Website is getting ~100 visits per month.
Christmas party committee, chaired by Bonnie, reports this year will be like the party planned last year. New activity will be a cookie exchange. We need ideas to attract shoppers to the tack swap. Ideas suggested include speakers, demos, raffle with big ticket item(s), charge admission which gets an entry in a raffle for $500. A few members helped at the HHYEC clean-up - Tim and Lisa Line, Jack. Flower sales forms were collected. Pickup is Thursday - Friday May 6-7 (or later). The Kentucky Derby dinner at Reed Rd. attracted ~30 diners. Camping and riding was good. National Trails Day is June 5. A camping weekend is planned at Reed Rd. We need pics of riders on park and state forest trails to submit to state at their request. A camping trip to Farmlane/Waterloo is planned for July 16-18. Contact Leroy 419.346.2189 by May 8 to be included in the group reservation or make your own reservation by contacting Donnie 734.260.9009. Volunteers are needed to paint the mounting stand in the state forest on 64. Contact Jack. The NW Region state ride will be in Sept. and will feature a silent auction, a used stuff table where you can get rid of stuff to be bought for a donation, as well as a 50/50 raffle. Part (40%) of the money collected will be donated to HHYEC. A suggestion was made to make a pledge to the HHYEC building fund for the replacement of the announcers stand to be paid when the project is underway (to be discussed). Some members reported on attending the National Drive event in Indiana and said there will be a fall event in October. 22 members and guests attended at Bunkers Bar and Grill.
June 2024
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