All past highlights recovered from original website. February 3, 2020
Buster is showing some improvement and should move to rehab soon. Jo will let us know when he is ready for visitors. Committees were discussed and volunteers signed up. Check the Committees page and feel free to volunteer if you are interested. The website was discussed. Our host is closing down and it will need to be moved to continue. Members present want it to continue so a comparable host/website will be sought. We may have to rebuild it from scratch. The Christmas Committee is open to suggestions and ideas. The Camping Committee has several camping trips in planning stages. Two trips need immediate responses as they were hard to get into - Elkins Creek Aug 13-16 and Big Elk Lick Sept 3-7. We need a head count to reserve at Elkins Creek. They only had 3 weekends open and they fill up fast. We have a 10 rig site at Big Elk Lick reserved with 7 spots spoken for. Trips being planned are: May 15-17 Camping at Highland, Whitelake, MI May 29-31 Camping at Ionia, Ionia, MI June 5-7 Camping at Alum Creek, Delaware, OH July 10-12 Camping at Beaver Creek, East Liverpool, OH Aug 13-16 Camping at Elkins Creek, Pedro, OH Contact Carolyn Korek 419.344.8011 September 3-6 Camping at Big Elk Lick, Benezette, PA Contact Carolyn Korek 419.344.8011 3 slots left October 2-4Oak-toberfest at RRR More trips will be planned and members are encouraged to share their ideas and plans. Trail miles were turned in to State OHC. Jack contacted every almost every member who didn't turn them in to Jo. Total miles for our club:13,291 High Miles Riders: Kenny Vaughan, Jim Shaw, Karen Guyer, Robin Hawkins, Pam Sinkey, LeRoy Williams, Carolyn Korek, KS, RC, Tammy Royer Total saddle hrs:1244 High Saddle Hours Riders: Carolyn Korek, Beth Arnold, Audrey Bennett, Barb Gunning, Dalton Collins, Ann Sweeny, MJ, Kyle Sharpe, Karen Guyer, Katti Lietner Our first Winter Blues Brunch was at Charlies on Jan 25. ~30 members attended. Our next WBB is on Feb 23 at the Whitehouse Inn at 10:30. Our NW Regional Rep, AL Sidell was up for re-election. The club voted to re-elect him. There will be a Leap Year Day ride at the Rider Center at noon on Feb 29. Jack told us about a microchip program for horses available from Colorado Equine. Jack has been and will be meeting with metropark personnel about October in the Oaks, a month long event. We will have some role in it centered around horses. We will be camping at our Oak-toberfest the first weekend at Reed Rd. Trail clean-up has been scheduled for Apr. 5 by Lora Copland. Details to follow. 25 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. January 6, 2020 There are new photos posted on the website: tack swap, Christmas party and New Years Day ride. A map of the Oak Openings horse trail closures effective Jan. 6 through spring is posted as well. And there is a survey for camping destinations for the club with no responses so far. The calendar has been updated with known dates for 2020. There was a problem with the November issue of the Horseman's Corral and several hundred people did not get their issue. The digital issues are available at the beginning of the month, free to all, and the hard copy will be received at the end of the month. Amendments to the By-Laws were brought forth a couple of months ago. These need to be reviewed by the membership and voted on in February. They will be emailed and available on the website. The mounting stands at HHYEC and Maumee State Forest need to be repaired. Jack has asked a couple of members to check it out. There are trails in Williams Co. adjacent to RTT on Rd 17 that we can ride. Defiance Co. just installed a mounting stand there. It was suggested that we have a Leap Year Day ride there on Feb. 29. Connie B. will check it out and report back at the Feb. meeting. The Metroparks will be having a month long October in the Oaks event next year. In addition to our Oaktober Fest, we will try in participate. Jack is meeting with them this month and will report back next month. A survey was distributed to again try to get suggestions for camping destinations. It was collected from those who chose to answer. 33 members and 3 guests attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. December 2, 2019 There is a survey on the website to collect suggestions for a club camping trip somewhere new to us, perhaps farther away for 4-5 days. Christmas party - cocktails at 5 p.m., dinner at 6. Meats provided - ham, turkey, brisket. The tack swap was profitable. We are pencilled in for Dec. 6 next year at WB. Our ad in the Corral was not out in time for the tack swap. Many people did not get the November issue. State OHC has launched the new website. We will have a page there. We wiil do Christmas boxes. Bring donations to the Christmas party. The State Winter meeting will be in Cambridge on Jan. 26. Presentations were made about camping destinatons - Big Elk Lick, Elkins Creek, Hoosier Nat'l Forest. Guest Al Staler thanked us for our help this year. He said tree trimming and clean-up are needed at Harry Hughes YEC. Jack asked if we would like him to get speakers next year. Reports of trail miles, volunteer hours and saddle hours need to be turned in next month. Membership renewals are due before Jan. 1. Winter Blues Brunch will be in Jan. and Feb., one Sat. and one Sun. A trail clean-up has been scheduled by Lora G. for April 5. New Yrears ride will be Jn. 1, at Royers', at noon. 22 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. November 4, 2019 The Christmas party is open to members and guests. It will be at Otsego Park at the corner of Rt 65 and Rt 235. The Maumee State Forest trails have been mowed. This group is easier to work with. There are 2 people and they need help.We can use equipment when working there. Trails need to be marked. Trail miles, volunteer hours, saddle hours need to be tallied and turned in at the January meeting or by mid January. Maumee State Forest should be reported separate from Oak Openings. Tack swap set-up will be Sat. Nov. 30. The auction is open to anyone with a booth at the tack swap. Donations have been received from Dave Garrett, Emily Collins and Robert Wayner for the raffle. Kattie L. reported that we can trail ride at Camp Wide Water and will have to sign a liability release form. The State Winter Membership meeting will be in Delaware, OH on Jan. 26. We discussed doing Christmas boxes instead of baskets for the park rangers since our baskets were not returned. Our Fat Saturday ride will be Nov. 30 at noon, hosted by Tammy and Doug Royer. 29 members attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. October 7, 2019 The Christmas Party will start at 5 pm for cocktails, dinner at 6. It will be a potluck with turkey and ham provided. BYOB. There will be a sweater contest. Jo will bring ice. Tack Swap - the food booth will be open. It will be in the Corral calendar. State Chili Cook-off: Stephanie was the first placed winner by the judges. The campground was not crowded and people were turned away. Remember to register early next year. Oak-tober Fest: There were ~30 people there Friday night, 36 for Sat dinner, 13 campers and 15 day riders. A collection is being takenup for victims of the barn fire in Perrysburg; Robert Wainer and Tammy Royer are organizing. There will be an article in the Farmland News october issue about FCOHC. The mounting stand at the MSF at V/CR.2 needs to be fixed. MSF may help facilitate a chainsaw clinic. We're looking at spring, ~$50 per person, certification as aa Ohio DNR volunteer, 4 hr beginner or 8 hr intermediate. Defiance Co. OHC will be camping at HHYEC the weekend of Oct. 12-13. Please be tralking your trail miles and report trail maintenance hours. The club is looking into a longer camping trip next year, both in duration and distance traveled. Hat Creek Arena in Van Wert has Sat. nite bull riding. Election Results: President Jack Collins, VP Kathy Brown, Sec. Tammy Royer, Treasurer Jo Neeley 24 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. September 9, 2019 The Constitution and By Laws of FC-OHC have been posted on the website. A review is needed as some things are out of date. A review has begun and suggestions were given to the Executive Committee. A survey on the Christmas party was distributed and collected. It is available on the Message Board/Survey page of the website. The meats at the Christmas party will be provided (turkey and ham). Attendees should bring side dishes. Happy hour at 5:30 with dinner at 6. The State Chili Cook Off weekend at Mohican is sold out. Donations for the Regional Ride auctions (new, used, donation table) can be give to Jack take to Van Buren. They will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets with gift cards as prizes in addition to the money. Jack is working on getting donations for the raffle at the tack swap. Oak-tober Fest - Friday night meal at 7 pm will be brats, kraut, potato pancakes, german potato salad. Saturday night will be hobo dinner with a dessert auction. Defiance Co. OHC is having an event at Harry Hughes in October. We have a partnership with the Maumee State Forest and we are continuing our agreement (last signed by Buster) to provide trail maintenance. Members are encouraged to ride the MSF equestrian trails bordering Harry Hughes, off of Rt 64 and at Henry Co. Rd V and 3 (5 miles there). The trail from the Riders Center to MSF on 64 was recently mowed and could use some trimming. MSF could organize a chainsaw class which would provide certification to participants. Jack talked about the Henry Wood Sportsman Alliance which is developing a property with horse trails and camping out on old 24/Co. Rd. 424. Nominations were taken for officers for 2020: President - Jack Collins VP - Kathy Brown Secretary - Trina Houser, Tammy Royer Treasurer - Jo Neeley Elections will be held at the October meeting. A notice must be sent to all members at least 20 days prior (done by email, text and Facebook). The Mt Hope sale is Oct. 7-12. 28 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub August 5, 2019 Years ago, our club adopted two areas of the horse trails in OO to clean up: west of Springbrook and west of SR295 at RTT. We cleaned part of this last weekend and will get the rest later in the fall. Laura G is looking for a volunteer to help her on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. She'll be going out on the gator to trim trails. Club camping at Mohican: we can go in on Thursday after 5 p.m.. We need to be out by 6 p.m. on Sunday. We can bring firewood but only 1 fire is allowed. All garbage/waste must be hauled out. We will have a potluck on Saturday at 6 p.m. Since there is no cost to us, a donation to the OHC club of the area or to the Staae Park was suggested. Donations are being requested for the Regional Ride auction. Jack has some and can take anything that anyone wants to send if they aren't going. We are planning an event at Reed Rd. in October, Oak-toberfest. A committee was formed: Tammy Royer, Emily Collins, Carolyn Korek, Stephanie Barton. We will need to purchase insurance if non OHC members are invited. Farmland News is going to do an article on the club to be published in November. It can include 12 pictures and 15,000 words. We can compose it ourselves or have someone be interviewed. We want the emphasis to be on the club, not an individual, so we will try doing it ourselves. There is some interest in the chainsaw class. Connie will contact Brian for a date and we will need 10 participants. Committee: Connie and Michelle Michelle told of a free Percheron horse; Jack knows of 3 trail horses, 2 stock and 1 gaited for sale; Becky is looking for a buggy horse. Next meeting is Sept. 9 at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. 24 members attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub July 1, 2019 We need to work on advertisement for the Tack Swap Meet at WB on Dec. 1, 2019. HHYEC could use help putting on their Circuit Shows. Dates are 6/30, 7/28, 8/25, 9/22. Members signed up to be on a club committee to clean up trails. Time trimming branches, picking up trash, etc while riding should be reported to Jo and will be forwarded to the park quarterly. Jack gave everyone pruning shears to carry in their saddlebags which were donated to the club. Auction items are needed for the Regional Ride auction. Contact Jack if you would like to donate but cannot attend. Camping at Farmlane 7/3-7/7 - Jack has reserved campsites 4-11 and will squeeze everyone in. There will be ribs and a potluck Sat. nite ~6pm. Guest Marni Steel spoke about the MTR Shore to Shore Trail Ride that she participated in. They rode 20-30 miles each day, every day for a total of 235 miles in 10 days. There are several rides with different agendas. To learn more go to Cheryl spoke about Sunshine Communities (formerly Sunshine Children's Home) and their need for volunteers and help with projects. She will contact the head of the program to come speak at a meeting about their program and their needs. 25 members and 3 guests attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. June 3 Camping at Reed Rd is cancelled for this weekend due to the excessive rain and standing water. However, THE DERBY PARTY WILL GO ON!! It will be at Tammy and Doug Royer's, 4821 S. Berkey Southern Rd, Swanton. Cocktails at 5pm, potluck at 5:30. The club will provide brats, bring a side or entree to share. We don't need alot of desserts. Activities include the Derby Hat contest, stick pony races and a campfire. There will be awesome prizes for kids and adults! Please RSVP to Tammy at 419.346.7094. Flower sale - there were 20 orders, 55 gift certificates. Our profit was $140. The tie rails at the lake in OO are scheduled to be replaced at the end of June. The work will be done by 4 ladies from Defiance Co. OHC. The hand rail on the mounting stand is gone and needs to be replaced. Since we are a partner with the metropark, we can rent the Wheel House at a reduced rate. Laura G. would like to hear about any volunteer hrs. spent in the park. Please report your hrs. to Jo. She will document them monthly and report them. We have 10 rigs signed up for our camping trip to Mohican. We can take 15. Reservations should be made with Cheryl Z at 419.270.8916. If we don't fill to 15 by July 1 we will offer to other OHC chapters. There is NO COST to camp. Connie reported on Kensington Park Equestrian trails. There is no camping, day ride only. Insurance is required, primitive, there is a water pump but you should bring your own water, vehicle passes req'd ($10/day or $35 yearly), free bridle tags, 19 miles of trails, connects to Proud Lake State Park, there were no bugs. 1.5 hr drive. 21 members attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. MAY 6 We needed to vote on potluck or catered dinner for the Christmas Party. It will be a potluck. A liquor permit is needed. Tack Swap Committee is Jo Neeley, Kathy Brown, Tammy Royer (raffle), Lloyd Bowser and Dalton Collins (auction). Derby Party will be during the June 7-9 campout at Reed Rd. Hats are required. Tammy Royer is the committee chairperson. Jack will be meeting with OO personnel and will discuss the Spring Clean-up and tie rails at the lake. Beth's Event had 2 wagons and two riders. Thank you for organizing this event. Katie's show will be at Fulton Co. Fairgrounds. It's the Beverly Upell Memorial show to benefit St. Jude's. There is 60% payback. Flower sale forms were turned in to Connie Bauer. Cheryl Zielinski offered to be a liaison to Laura Copeland/OO Metropark. If you see downed trees take a pic, send it to Cheryl, she will contact Laura. Camping at Mohican - contact Cheryl Z. by July 1st. 8-15 rigs allowed. Camping suggestion - Kensington Metropark, Milford MI. It is primitive with high lines. 30 miles of trails, no hills, shoes not needed. Hocking Hills - Cowboy Larry's has sites with electric and water, and has horse pens; it was pretty dry. The park campground has 13 sites that have electric and water, more that are primitive; first come first serve. Flo Hannum will be compiling the Scavenger Hunt for the regional ride. She was given a budget for prizes. 34 members and 2 guests attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub APRIL 1 Minutes for 1 April, 2019 Fulton County OHC Trina read last month’s minutes; Debbie Vaughn motioned to approve them and Robin seconded. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Jo Neeley. The deposit was paid for Otsego Park for the Christmas party. Dick motioned to accept and Connie seconded. Sunshine Report: A card was sent to Kim Bowsher. Website: Kathy said the website is being updated with correct dates. The Facebook page and Facebook Group pages are up and running. We don’t want to send out too much information to people but we want to make sure they are up to date with what’s going on in the club. If we’re sending you too much stuff, please let us know. If you have pictures, send them along. You can also send them to Al Sidell, and he will forward them to the State website. Christmas party: People seem to want a potluck rather than to hire a caterer. Connie said we should do a ballot to vote like we did for the location. Jo suggested the club could pay for someone to do a meat and members could bring the rest. Connie said why would we need a meat if we have a potluck. We will vote on these ideas at the next meeting. We will do grab bags again and have the Ugly Sweater Contest. We have a lot of flyers for upcoming events all across the state. Please make sure you take a look at them and take what you’d like. Kentucky Derby party: Our next meeting is Saturday, 4 May, 2019 [7pm], at the Reed Road Ranglers Campground. This will be after the Kentucky Derby party. Jack said they will try to get a television in so people can watch the race. Tammy wants everyone to participate in the Hat Contest. There will also be Stick Horse Races. This will be a Potluck. The club will buy hotdogs, hamburgers, and bratwursts. Bonnie suggested that people whose last name is A-K bring a salad or hors doerve, and people L-Z bring a desert. [We'll need RSVPs to ensure we have enough meat.] Old Business: Harry Hughes clean-up was yesterday. Much was under water and snow but still about 16-17 people showed up. They trimmed the brush back along the driveway back to the road. Jack went to the Regional meeting in Findlay a few weeks ago. They talked about what the State is doing. They described the new map ap which is to help people not get lost on the trails. This ap will be part of the membership fees. Jack wants to invite Teresa Fetter to a meeting as she is on a trail committee. Don’t forget to turn in your trail miles. Oak Openings went from third in the state to fourth last year [Salt Fork beat OO by 1500 mile.] Recording your miles and saddle hours is very important. The NW Region owns a mower that can be rented by members in this region and used to work on trails. The mower is currently at the Neeley's farm. It costs $20 to rent and is not being maintained by the state anymore but by the region. Debbie Disbrow mentioned again the [presentation 6pm-7pm} and book signing [7pm-9pm] for Bernice Ende that will be Friday, 19 April, 2019, at the blue barn at Beach Ridge Metropark. Please make sure you sign up. Jack said do we want to get Bernice a gift as she is not charging to come down. If we want to give her something, Michelle said it can be dropped off at her place. New Business: Flower Sale: Connie passed out flower sale forms. They are due by the 6th of May and flowers can be picked up on the 9th and 10th of May. Oak Openings: Laura Goehrlick is back at the Parks. Today was her official first day back. She is in charge of the horse trails. We’ve done trail clean-ups in the past; we will do the trails that we use. The clean-up date is Saturday, 20 April, at Springbrook., from 9-noon. Jack wants this to be a regional thing and is reaching out to other clubs in the area who use the trails. Everyone can go back to the Reed Road campground for lunch when they are done. This clean-up is a once-a-year thing. Kathy said if we are marking the trails for the Competitive Trail Ride, we should make sure we clean up those trails. [no one signed up; if interested contact Connie] Camping: It is too wet to go camping at Reed Road next week-end. We can still have a club ride next Saturday the 13th out of the Riders Center. Beth Arnold said they will have a port-a-loo for the ride and drive on the 28th. [RSVP to Beth at 419.875.5620] Trina talked about helping the Fallen Timbers Battlefield Preservation Commission with the reenactors who are bringing in their horses for the battle re-enactment in August. With the tree house village there is a concern with more cyclists and hikers on the bridge not giving way to the horses. Perhaps a step at each end so people can dismount and lead their horses across. More signage to give way to horses would help, too. {kick manure off of the pavement if your horse poops] Connie said if anyone is interested, there could be a chainsaw clinic this week-end. [not enough time or interested for this date] Beth Arnold gave a showbill for their Harry Hughes show in June. The club will give $150 to sponsor the show circuit this season. ?? motioned and Debbie Vaughn seconded the approval. Bill told a joke and Jack told a joke. Meeting adjourned. 33 members and 2 guests were at the monthly meeting at Pub and Grub Note: All horse sites at Van Buren are sold out for the Regional Ride. You can still get a site in the non-horse side and horses will be allowed there for this event. Call soon. March 4 Results from the January survey are on the website on the Meeting Board/Survey page. The schedule is up to date but not finished. The State OHC meeting will be Mar 9 in Delaware. FC is running the registration table and 50/50 raffle, maybe the silent auction. Items are needed for the silent auction. Jack, Emily, Connie, Trina, Jo, Buster and Kathy are going. If you have anything to donate, talk to one of them. NW Region meeting is Mar 23 at Findlay College, 11-1. There is a concurrent Ranch Horse clinic and show that weekend which is free to watch. FC is in charge of the scavenger hunt at the Regional Ride at Van Buren in September. If there is any need for Sunshine Committee action, contact Jo. Vikki Lewis will be creating a Facebook Group so members can interact. We will keep the current FB page. Christmas party venue options were presented Sandy Berthisel. Otsego Park was chosen. It will be Dec. 6. Tack Swap will be Dec 1. Tammy R is head of the Party committee. She would like a couple more people to help. She is planning the Derby Party. We will be camping Fri - Sun, party and monthly meeting on Saturday. HHYEC clean-up is Sunday Mar. 31, 9 am. If anyone is available, they could use help. The Metropark (Oak Openings) is supposed to be fixing the tie rails and mounting stand at the lake. We will set a trail clean-up in April. Flower sale forms will be distributed at the Apr. meeting. Turn them in at the May meeting; flower pickup will be May 9-10. Beth A. has offered to host a ride/drive at the State Forest on CR V between 2 and 3 on Sunday April 28. She will proceed with planning it and obtaining the permit. Drivers will stay on the roads which have little to no traffic. The special event at Pleasant Hill Lake will be the 3rd weekend in June. Cost is $50 for the weekend. Mike Gerard is organizing it. The is no preregistration and spots will be assigned. There will be 3 areas of camp spots. We need to finish the calendar. An Octoberfest has been proposed by Jack for the first weekend in October at Reed Rd. Guest speaker Debbie Disbrow and member Stephanie Barton talked about Lady Longrider, a woman who has ridden 1000's of miles and written a book about it. They have invited her to come to Ohio for a talk/book signing. It will be Apr 19, 6-9 pm at the Wheel House at the Tree House Village. It will be free, sponsored by Ramm Fence. Seating is limited and we were given the chance to sign up. There will be a Competitive Trail Ride out of HHYEC the last weekend in Apr sponsored by OAATS. They have asked if we will mark the trail for it. Connie needs 3 people to help her. Kathy Hankins proposed a clinic featuring Terry Meyers. Cost would be $800/day plus a venue [plus mileage, meals, stalls, ...]. We would need to attract 8-13 riders who we would charge a participation fee. Terry is a clinician who does Ride-in-Sync Horsemanship clinics as well as Ranch, 4-H and other. Jack proposed a magazine swap at meetings. We will try it. 46 members and 2 guests attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. February 4 Jo reported on Trail Miles turned in. There were more people who turned in miles as compared to last year (41 vs 29) but the total miles and saddle hours were less. Total trail miles were 7970. Saddle hours 1066. High Miles - Kenny Vaughan, Pam Sinkey, LeRoy Williams, Robyn Hawkins, Connie Bauer Saddle Hours - Robyn Hawkins, Flo Hannum, Beth Arnold, Kathy Hankins, Kathy Brown Some members use apps to record their miles such as Samsung Health and My Trails. Guest Al from HHYEC reported that the Board has had elections and he is the new Board Chairman. The Board is reorganizing and communication is a main focus. The transition to the new Board is being hindered. The Board will be managing the Circuit shows [dates are 3/12, 6/2, 6/30 (scholarship winner announced),7/28, 8/25 with 9/22 a make-up day if need]. They are working on the book, deadline is March 15. Next meeting is Wednesday Feb 6, 6:30 pm, Swanton library. Improvements needed at the grounds include driveway and announcer stand upper level improvements. Next Winter Blues Brunch is Sunday Feb. 24, 10 am, Firepit Grille at 7723 Airport Hwy in Holland.; ~$17, buffet, separate room. Derby Party will be coordinated by Tammy, held at Reed Rd during a camping weekend May 3-5. Mohican camping weekend will be Aug 16-18. Minimum 8 rigs, max 15. Contact Cheryl or Michelle to reserve your spot. Camping at Pleasant Hill Lake Park over Memorial Day weekend was suggested as many members usually go. Pleasant Hill Lake Park is having an event to promote their facility to horse riders. Mike Gerard is organizing a weekend of camping for $50 which includes primitive camp site rental; dinner Sat and breakfast Sun.; free paddleboats, kayaks,and pontoon boat rides. If interested, contact Mike Gerard for reservations. The dates are June 21-23. A Club ride is planned for Saturday Apr 15, Reed Rd, 11 am. Some may be camping Fri night. Our chili cookoff will be Aug 3 during a camping weekend at Reed Rd (Aug 2-4). Mohican Chili Cookoff weekend is Sept. 13-15. State OHC meeting Mar 9 in Delaware. NW Region meetings Feb. 5 in BG; Mar 23, 11-1 in Findlay. 27 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub January 7, 2019 Jack gave a "State of the Union" address as he commented on his visions for our group as a trail riding club, horse council and horsemen helping horsemen. He spoke of the importance of our relationship with the park and State Forest and ways that we can use and promote both. He encouraged members to bring guests to our events. A guest can attend 3 events as a nonmember. We will be forming committees to coordinate some of our events. Events suggested include an Octoberfest, poker run, horse show, club rides, camping, trail clean-up, Derby party, Christmas Party, Tack Swap. There will be Equine Health and Emergency First Aid classes in Walbridge, OH on Jan. 19-20. The first day basic class on the 19th will be the same class that was recently held at H&H Stables in Whitehouse. Those who attended that class can attend the Advanced class on the 20th at a discounted price of $105. This class will cover what to do until the vet comes. It will be hosted by Tina Fugate Meeks. Instructors: Brenda Durham/Marsha George Basic Health and Emergency First Aid and Advanced Health and Emergency First Aid To Register: [email protected] 513-646-0061. The new online membership sign-up is having issues. It can still be done on paper with a check - see Jo Neeley. Mileage/saddle hrs need to be turned in by mid month to Jo Neeley. Every mile counts. Oak Openings was third in the State in total miles ridden behind Hocking and Mohican. We also have Mary Jane Thurston Park and the Maumee State Forest nearby. There are bridle trails on Henry Co Rd V between 2 and Fulton Lucas Rd. that many people don't know about. We need to use these trails and promote them to keep them available. The Pines Management Program at Oak Openings is now in Phase 2 and holding. They're waiting for the ground to freeze. There are 5 phases. The south loop to the lake has been open on several weekends. There is a new trail heading north along Jeffers Rd. which cuts over to Manore and we are allowed to use the old trail/jogging trail to Manore. The corner at Jeffers and Reed will be redone to improve it for horses in the future. As Horsemen helping Horseman, Jack suggested that we need to foster relationships with Hooves, HHYEC and other community groups and will be asking members to be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved where we can help. Al from HHYEC will come to our Feb meeting to update us on the state of that organization. Members Beth and Katti are having a horseshow there on June 8 to help support HHYEC. Pleasant Hill Lake Park is having an event to promote their facility to horse riders. Mike Gerard is organizing a weekend of camping for $50 which includes primitive camp site rental; dinner Sat and breakfast Sun.; free paddleboats, kayaks,and pontoon boat rides. If interested, contact Mike Gerard for reservations. Buster's attempt to get driving trails in the State Forest was shut down at State. Jack distributed a survey to determine members' interests for the coming year. They were answered and turned in. Results will be shared at the next meeting. The survey is available on the website for those who missed it or want to add to their answers. Events of interest: Monroe Co. New & Used Tack Sale at Monroe, MI Jan 13 10-3 Basic and Advanced Equine Health and Emergency First Aid at Walbridge, OH Jan 19-20 Mid-Ohio Draft Horse & Carriage Sale at Mt Hope, Mar 4-9 34 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub and Grub December 3 Our Christmas Party is Friday Dec. 7 at the Log Cabin Tavern, T464 County Road 3, Liberty Center, Ohio 43532. Meet at 6:30, dinner at 7. There will be prizes for the ugliest Christmas sweater and a white elephant gift exchange (participation optional).A chainsaw safety class is being planned. Brian Lang may teach it; cost would be $10 with chainsaws provided; it would last 1.5-2 hrs and would be limited to 10 participants. Possible date early spring. Al, head of the NW Region is looking at offering an educational opportunity for all members with speakers, demos etc. Possible location Findlay College. Gift Baskets for park personnel will be assembled at Jo's Dec 10 at 7. Donations needed. Our Fat Saturday Ride was on Sunday Nov. 25 because of weather. There were 14 riders and a large crowd for food. Tammy and Doug hosted. Some park trails at Oak Openings are closed for the pine management program. The hour loop is closed. To see affected areas go to The Cowboy Christmas Tack Swap, Gift Shopping and Live Auction went well. There were 60 vendors with 88 spaces rented. There were a few no shows (15 spaces). This will be addressed for next year. The Ropin' Wranglers 4-H club fulfilled their service project by working all day. They ran a bake sale, helped with check-in, raffle tickets, and the auction as well as helped vendors bring in their wares. Dalton Collins was our auctioneer. Raffle items were donated by Robert Wayner (Lieway Hunt Club), Dave Garrett (Blackhorse Woodworking), Katti Jo Leitner, Emily and Jack Collins,and Sturdy Cowgirl. OHC is looking for a liaison to The Corral. Trail mileage needs to be in to Jo by mid January. The club discussed the OHC mileage patches that used to be provided to club members by the club. Cost is ~$9 per patch (200, 500 and 1000 miles). The club is going to resume providing them to members, one time for each category. Mileage must be turned in to qualify and you should mark on the form that you want a patch if the requirement is met. State tracks individual mileage accumulations. There was a recent incident on the Reed Rd bridge when a car failed to yield to horses creating a dangerous situation. Discussion was held about lobbying for signage. Some members offered to look into it. Jan 1, 2019 New Years Ride 12 noon Tammy and Doug hosting Jan 7 Club meeting 7 pm Rt 64 Pub & Grub, Whitehouse Jan 26 Winter Blues Brunch 9 am Wings Station, Swanton 30 members attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub November 6 The NW Regional Ride will be at Van Buren again next year. Everyone was very pleased with the campgrounds. There have been many improvements. There will be a live auction. It should be the last weekend in September. Our Christmas Party is Dec. 7, gather at 6:30, buffet will start at 7. We will have a separate bar. Wear your (ugly) Christmas sweater and bring a white elephant gift for exchange if you wish. There will be no grab bags. The Equine First Aid class was a big hit. There is some interest in hosting an advanced class. There is still interest in a chainsaw safety class. We need an instructor. We should hear if we have a weekend at Mohican after the first of the year. If you are renewing your OHC membership through Jo, she needs it by Dec. 15. Our fall trail cleanup was cancelled because the park staff did not get emails and was not prepared. There were no materials to fix the hitch rails and it was not in the budget. Jim will be meeting with someone from the club to exchange ideas and hopefully let us know what's going on. Jo went to the meeting about the pine harvest in Oak Openings. It will be starting Nov. 12 and will close the area near Ostrich and Wilkins Rd. We will lose ~ 1/2 mile of trail near Jeffers Rd. and 64. Officers for 2019 were approved as each ran unapposed: President Jack Collins, VP Kathy Brown, Secretary Trina Houser, Treasurer Jo Neeley. Tack Swap details were finalized. Spaces will be 10 x 10. We will begin set-up at 6 am, let vendors/sellers in at 7:30, open to public at 9. Live auction will have 10% commission, no tax, no buyer's premium; $5 no sale on saddles and big ticket items. Dalton will be the auctioneer and will bring supplies for the auction. Sellers should be paid the day of the sale. Someone needs to bring tickets for the raffle which will have 3 prizes - $100 gift certificate to TSC, handmade wood item donated by Dave Garrett, goody basket donated by Jack and Emily Collins. Need not be present to win. We will have an ad in the City Paper starting Nov. 21. Yard signs were supposed to be available but were not. Flo will man a club table with information about OHC. Donations for the Christmas baskets need to be brought to the next meeting (Dec. 3). Assembly will be Dec. 10 at Jo Neeley's, 7 pm. 36 members and 1 guest attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub October 1 The Christmas party on Dec 7 is at the Log Cabin in LC. We will have our own room and bartender. Meet at 6:30, dinner at 7. RSVP by Nov 12 to Michelle. It is self pay. Wear your ugly Christmas sweater and bring Dollar Grab Bags if you wish. Equine Basic Health and Emergency First Aid class will be Oct 27 at H&H Stables in Whitehouse. A minimum of 9 participants is required. Cost is $150 per person. See latest info. We are trying to organize a chainsaw safety class. Info to come. Feedback from Allen Gallant of the Metropartks: Signage improvement ideas are welcome and needed. There are no rules against horses at the Pine Ridge Chalet but there are no accommodations for horses. Maybe hitchrails could be installed? Horse carts may use the park roads but not the trails and must be street legal. Jim Cassidy is our contact person. He will meet with us for ideas. Please report issues on Rails to Trails to him. Rider Center restrooms are to be improved. There is an ODNR Trail survey about all trails and use - please complete it if you can Changes will be considered for Springbrook. They may visit Van Buren to get ideas. A goal is improved education of trail users. We have started a committee to liason with the park. Laura and Rick are on it. NW Regional Ride - Great turnout and event. Tammy cooked for ~100 for dinner. The scavenger hunt was a success and one person solved all of Flo's riddles. Thank you Flo for organizing, monitoring and providing prizes for our part of the events. Jack and Emily also donated prizes. The silent auction and the live auction were well received. Tack Swap - calls have started coming in to reserve spots. WB will provide yard signs. Advertising was discussed -, State website, Corral Calendar, Craigslist which are free, and Toledo Ctiy paper - $230 for 3x biweekly. We will have a 50/50 raffle. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to set up in the morning, help at auction, sell raffle tickets. Chili Cookoff at Mohican- we had 12 rigs there. Tammy won People's Choice, 2nd year in a row. Marge did the booth decorations. Check out the Photos page. Cheryl made contact with the person who schedules reservations and he said we could apply to reserve the campground by submitting 3 dates. We are submitting May 17-19, June 7-9 and Oct 11-23 for our club. We would need 15 rigs to commit. Officer nominations: Pres. Jack C.; VP Kathy B.; Sec. Trina; Treas. Jo N. Voting next month. Assume office Jan 1. Reed Rd camping Oct 5-7 - Ashland Co. is not coming but it is open for us and the club ride will be Sat at 10. HHYEC - turnout was not good for the Rideathon but we had several members there. Food was good tho. The organization needs help and changes are anticipated. Their meeting is Weds Oct 3 at Charlie's at 7. Tammie and Binnie may attend. Membership renewal is online. You may renew either way - thru Jo or online. State meeting is Sat. Nov 10 at Delaware Eagles. Our Trail Clean-up will be Nov. 3. Meet at Springbrook. Tentatively, a group will do clean-up and a group will work on the hitch rails at the lake rest stop. Deb Winch Memorial Ride will be held Nov 24, hosted by Royers. Next meeting is Nov 5 at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. 35 members attended at Rt 64 Pub & Grub. September 10 Guest Speaker: Allen Gallant, Business Analyst & Grant Manager, Metroparks Allen has been with the Metroparks for over a year and works on bringing in outside resources to the Metroparks. He spoke about current growth and projects including the Beach Ridge area, the Mountain Bike Trail, the Tree House Village, and the Oak Openings Corridor Trail. He also spoke of the State Trail Planning Committee which has a horse person on it (an OHC member). He mentioned the Ski Lodge across from the Rider Center, did not know if horses are allowed there. Signage will be updated soon, Oak Openings is one of the last parks to be updated. If there are any areas that need more after it is done, we should let them know. He asked if anyone has used Springbrook - none that we know of. A Message Board page has been added to the website. Any one can see it; to post you'll need to register. It can be used to post items for sale, reach out to members, etc. NW Ride - Flo made riddles for the scavenger hunt which will take place in the campground. First and second place prizes have been donated. Tack Swap - there is a new flyer, it is on the website. There will be a live auction at 2:00 with same day consignment as well as a 50/50 raffle. First Aid class date is Oct 27. Oct 5-7 Ashland Co. is camping at Reed Rd. Our monthly ride has been moved to Reed Rd. at 10 am. Officers needed for 2019 - Pres. Cheryl and VP Michelle are stepping down, nominations are needed. Nominations are taken in Sept. and Oct., voting in Nov. Trinia volunteered to run for Secretary and Jo for Treasurer. A committee was suggested to act as liaison to the Metroparks. Laura agreed to be on it. Park contacts are Allen Gallant or Jim Cassidy. Harry Hughes Rideathon is Sept. 30. We will have a trail cleanup in Oct. 35 members attended including guests from Defiance Co. August 6 The Metropark grant writer is willing to come to a meeting and talk about plans for the metropark trails and plans. We will invite him to the September meeting. Any questions must be submitted to Cheryl before the meeting. The meeting will be at RRR, pizza will be ordered ($5 donation). Dinner at 6:30, speaker at 7:00, meeting to follow. NW Regional Ride - we will be hosting a scavenger hunt. Ideas are needed for items to find within the campground (to be photographed, not collected). A riddle/rhyme format is suggested. Submit to Trina, Cheryl or Michelle. We need prizes - donations should be brought to the next meeting. Christmas Party will be at the Log Cabin. Menu choices were voted on. It will be Friday, Dec 7 at 7pm with private bar. Tack Swap - an auction at the end was discussed. A budget was determined. Our Chili Cookoff will be Sat Aug 25 at the RRR campout weekend. Dinner will be at 6. HHYEC Rideathon is Sept. 30. Camping at Ionia was discussed. The group camp is primitive, $65 per night. Sites at the Equestrian Camp are $20 per night, also primitive. ___ members attended the meeting at Rt 64 Gub n Pub. July 7 Van Buren State Ride - Fulton Co. is planning trail games and entertainment; Defiance Co. - Chinese auction and live auction. Each club is asked to donate an item or basket ~$100. Jack and Emily will provide our donation. We are planning evening entertainment, scavenger hunt? Need list of items to hunt, ideas. Camping in horse or family side. We can use tie lines or portable corrals in the family side. There are 3 horse sites and 25 family sites left. Family sites are $23/night w/elec, $19/night no elec. If only attending Saturday night activities rsvp to Diane Joseph. Tack Swap - we need exposure, advertising. A bake sale at the tack swap was suggested. Club camping at Farmlane July 20-22. There will be an Ohio Trail Planning meeting, July 17th, 2-4 pm at the Buehner Center. This is something new. We would like to have a presence there. You must rsvp to attend. Next club ride Aug 4. Next meeting Aug 6. Our chili cookoff is Aug 25 during the camping weekend at Reed Road Ranglers Aug 24-26. Al Siddell did a very interesting presentation with bones, xrays and hooves. Meeting was held at Reed Road Ranglers Campground during weekend camping. ~40 attended the potluck including guests from Sandusky Co; 31 attended the meeting. June 2018 Regional Ride flyer is available. It is Sept 28--30 at Van Buren State Park. First Aid class possible dates are June 23 or July 20. It will most likely be put off to a later date. A donation was made to Ride For the Cure. 7 riders participated in the May club ride. Club ride at Salt Fork is planned for Jun 15-17. Sites cannt be reserv ed. Club camping at Reed Rd July 6-8. Ride at 9am Sat, host Jo Neeley. Potluck featuring Tammy's ribs and beans on Saturday ($5 donation) at 6pm. RSVP to Cheryl or Michelle by June 30. Meeting to follow. Camping planned at Farmlane/Waterloo July 20-22. We need fund raiser ideas. The park is fixing the hitch rail at the lake. Attended by 21 members, 2 guests May 2018 Meeting was held at Reed Rd. after the potluck during camping weekend. Update 2017 Trail Miles: FCOHC was 17th in the state for saddle hours reported , 11th for trail miles reported (10,165). Oak Openings was 3rd for reported miles ridden (13,237). Camping at Waterloo/Farmlane had a good turnout and good time. Eight members participated in Trail Clean-up. Jack is the chairperson in charge of the Tack Swap which will be Dec. 2 at WB. 23 members attended April 2018 A Photograpy Comittee was formed to facilitate recognition and reimbursment for the photographic coverage of our events. Debbie Vaughan is chairperson. The State Youth program has been active raising funds to expand their program. OHC needs volunteers in their booth at Equine Affaire. Admission will be paid. The second Winters Blues Brunch went well. Camping at Waterloo/Farmlane - looks like ~20 people from FC are going. Tammy has brats for Friday. NW Regional Ride - light supper will be provided Friday night, bbq Saturday, silent auction, scavenger hunt (FC host). Trail clean-up is rescheduled for April 21. Tack Swap Meet will be Dec. 2 at WB. We have the same agreement. A budget was set for supplies and advertising. A donation was made in memory of Ron Drewes to the OHC Youth Program. Plant Sale order forms were distributed. They are due at the May meeting (at Reed Rd). May 4-6 camping at Reed Rd. with potluck and meeting on Sat. at 6. 24 members attended. March 2018 Dr. Laura Schmidt gave a presentation on vaccination. Trail Miles were updated: LeRoy 1086 Kenny 1036 Laura 924 Robin 897 Pam 750 29 members turned in miles for 2017. Cheryl met with Craig from The Metroparks. They will drive the trails and access needs. A suggestion was made that the Reed Rd bridge needs signage about horses' right-of-way. Craig will come to a meeting after the accessment. We need a committee to handle the Tack Swap Met. Jack will be chairman; same weekend as last year; meed signage and advertising. Wood Co OHC will be at Farmlne the same weekend as us (Apr 27-29). Get your reservations in. The First Aid class is still in the planning stage. Flo has volunteered to host it. Cost is $149 per person. Clinicians are from the Cincinnati area, they are not vets. Topics to becovered are vital signs, choke, colic, casting, seizures, death, puncture wounds, bandaging. A date has not been set. The NW Regional Ride will be at Van Buren Sept 28-30. There are 30 equine campsites and 30 overflow campsites. Defiance Co wants to have a Chain Saw Safety presentation. February 5, 2018 A new committee was suggested to help Trina with The Corral articles. Anyone interested please see Cheryl. Trail Mileage has been turned in to State. Top miles for Fulton Co. are: LeRoy W. (1086), Kenney V. (1036), Laura S. (924), Robin (897), Buster N. (734), Pam (750), Ann M. (567), Matt B. (500). The first Winter Blues Brunch was enjoyed by 19 members at the Brandywine Country Club. The second one will be at The Wings Station in Swanton on March 17 at 8:30 am. Cheryl will be meeting with Craig who is in charge of the Metropark trails. After checking out the trails with Cheryl, he will come to a club meeting to hear our ideas and concerns. The State meeting has been moved to March 24. We are trying to coordinate an Equine First Aid Certification class to be held in our area. Requirements are: at least 10 interested individuals,a host with a venue with restrooms and an area to view a powerpoint presentation, and horses - 1 per 4 participants. The host can participate for free. It is an 8 hr class that costs $150 per person. Lunch will be provided. Cheryl will check into the presenters' credentials. Defiance Co. is also interested. The proposed 2018 schedule was reviewed. We will have a presentation at the March meeting - Dr Laura Schmidt on vaccinations or deworming. The club roster will be updated and distributed. 26 members attended. January 8, 2018 Winter Blues Brunch is planned for Sunday February 4th at the Brandywine Country Club at 10 am. Reservations are due by Jan 28 to Michelle Miller. Cost will be ~$15 without gratuity. Club rides are suspended until April. April Ride/Feast will be hosted by Tammy and Doug Royer at their home. 2018 Schedule was proposed - see Schedule page for tentative schedule and submit comments/ suggestions to Cheryl or Michelle. Contact info for website: Kathy Brown [email protected], 419.283.5383. Contributions and suggestions welcomed. 24 members attended. December 4, 2017 The Christmas party went well. Pictures by Debbie Vaughan will be uploaded to the website. Plaques still need to be mounted on the mounting stands. The mounting stand still needs to be finished and painted. We will repair the hitching rails at the lake in the spring. There were 12 riders at the Fat Saurday ride hosted by the Royers. There is a new park contact - Craig Elton. The corral at Springbrook that was donated by FCOHC has been taken down. The pump at the Riders' Center will be replaced. There is no water there in the interim. Membership renewals are due before Dec. 31 to avoid lapse in insurance coverage. The tack swap went well. There were 48 vendors in 66 spots. A discussion was held about doing it again next year. We will be putting together 4 Christmas baskets. Get your donations to Connie before Thursday Dec. 14 at 7:00. Trail miles need to be turned in to Jo at the next meeting. Use the old or new form - they are posted on the website. A winter brunch was discussed. A return to Brandywine was popular and other options will be investigated. TBD Our New Years ride will be hosted by the Royers. Ride at noon, eat at 3:00. Jan 8 will be our planning meeting. Bring your ideas. 27 members attended. November 6, 2017 Trail Milage Report Form has been updated by State (it has been uploaded to our website). Lora G has retired. Plaques need to be mounted at Evergreen Lake and the Boy Scout area. Christmas Party will be from 6-11 pm with clean-up starting at 10. A budget was determined. There will be entertainment. The NW Regional Ride was a success. There were 102 people at dinner Saturday. There will be a another regional ride next year, same time, at Van Buren. Officers for 2018: Pres. Cheryl Z.; VP Michelle M.;Treas. Jo N.; Sec. Connie B. Hitching rails at the lake need to be fixed. The park has the materials, we need to supply the labor. We will fix them Nov 18 at our Fall Work Day, 9-12 noon. (Update: Cancelled due to weather) News from the State meeting: Emerald Necklace Ride had 246 registered riders. Ohio Trail Partners is going to compile maps of all DNR trails. Trail milage reports for the clubs must be sent in by Jan 31. (Therefore, individual reports need to be turned in to Jo N. at the Jan. meeting.) Equine Affair 2018 is Apr 12-15. We need to provide an 8x10 pic from the club for the OHC display. The State Youth fundraiser will be a camping package at Smoke Rise Resort. Improvements at Hocking Hills include electricity at the campground and trail improvements. Membership renewals MUST be to Jo by Dec 15 to avoid interruption in insurance coverage. Tack Swap signs and flyers are available. Bring your own tables. Someone should be there by 7 to open. Christmas baskets - we are doing 4. Bring donations to the party, the Dec meeting or to Connie by the 14th. Fat Saturday Ride is hosted by Tammy and Doug Royer, 4821 Berkey Southern (Rt 295), noon. October 2, 2017 Our member Tammy Royer was the People's Favorite winner at the Mohican Chili Cookoff and was placed second by the judges. The Christmas party will be at the PFA in Whitehouse. A decorations committee was formed. It will be catered, bring desserts. We will be putting together an additional Christmas basket for the neighbor to RRR campground who allowed overflow camping on their property for the NW regional ride. Sunshine Committee sent a card to Beth Arnold for the loss of her horse, Art. The mounting stand has been installed. September 11, 2017 The new mounting stand near the top of the North Loop needs braces and to be painted. Buster will coordinate. First Aid Certification class will most likely be held in the spring. We need a venue that can accomodate at least 8-10 people and probably a horse. Cost is $150 per person. Contact Cheryl Z if interested. Christmas Party is Friday Dec. 1. We are checking on the PFA hall in Whitehouse and the bowling alley in Swanton. Checking on catering as well. NW Regional Ride -field opens at 10am Friday. There are 12 paid reservations so far. Camping is $30 per night ($60 for the weekend) with a $5 per night refund to primitive campers. Saturday activity will by" I Spy" - see how many strange things you can spot on the trails. Dinner Saturday night will be at 6pm, pulled pork and potluck; cost is included in camping fee, donation for non-camping members. There will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction (Defiance Co. has many nice items for this). Leroy will be cooking breakfast, bring sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes to donate. Monthly rides - do we need a committee to coordinate hosts? Can we use Facebook to reach out-of-town members? Cheryl will redistribute copies of the membership list which all members should have received. The Oct ride will be the Regional Ride. Michell Miller will host the Nov. 5 ride out of Reed Rd. Officer Nominations for 2018: Pres. Cheryl Z.; VP Michelle M.; Sec Tina Z, Connie B; Treas Jo N. Nominations close in Nov. Is there any interest in a non-horse club activity such as a Walleye game? Membership renewal needs to be submitted BEFORE Jan 1 to avoid lapse in insurance coverage. August 7, 2017 There is an opportunity to have an Equine First Aid Certification class in our area if there is enough interest. Contact Cheryl Zielinski if interested. Our Christmas Party is Dec. 1. Were still looking fo a place to hold it. Raffle items for the Regional Ride are needed by the August 26 regional Ride meeting. Contact Cheryl Z. The Trail Clean-up was held and at least 18 people participated. If you see anything on the trails that needs attention, contact the Rangers. Does anyone want to paint sign posts in the park? Contact Laura G. The mounting stand at the Lollipop entrance will be assembled Tues. Aug. 8 at 6 pm. Buster Neeley coordinator. Lisa Wylie has signs we can use for our Tack Swap. We need to pick them up and put them out and return them when done. Club rides have become disjointed and disorganized. In order to accommodate riders who prefer to ride different distances or speeds and in large or small groups, several suggestions were made: meet after the ride at a specified time for socializing and snacks; park and ride from Reed Rd. if available to alleviate parking problems when the Riders' Center is full; have a host for each ride who can answer questions and coordinate riders as needed. For the September Club Ride, Buster and Jo Neeley will be the hosts, we will meet back at 3:30, and we will use Reed Rd if available TBD. July 1, 2017 Meeting was held at the Reed Road Ranglers Campground during our Derby Party/Potluck/Campout weekend. Trail clean-up on July 16 is in preparation for the Regional Ride. Clean-up will be on horse trails and may be done on horseback. Tentative plans to install the mounting stand on the North Loop at the entrance to the Lollipop were discussed and supplies will be ordered. Keep track of any volunteer hours doing clean-up or construction. Defiance Co. OHC has provided and installed a picnic table and hitching rail at the entrance to the Lollipop. Horse camp facilities are being created by the Metropark in Oak Openings. These include 2 primitive (tent only) sites at the Springbrook Group camp with corrals which will be done soon, and two cabins near the Rider Center. We need a committee to work on our Christmas party. Fliers are available for our Tack Swap meet.
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