The past year's events were discussed and it was decided to repeat them this year (see events page). In addition, we will have a Winter Blues Breakfast on Mar 15 at Delta 109. We also have the opportunity to group camp at Mohican Aug. 8-10 as Cheryl got us in through the lottery draw.
Large mugs with an FCOHC design were given to 15 individuals drawn from those who turned in trail and saddle hours. Winners were Ron Cowell, Michelle and Rod Miller, Connie Bauer, Caron and Daryl Maines, Myndi Dawes, Elizabeth Campbell, Christine Vance, Beth Haas, Marni and Scott Steele, Flo Hannum, Polly Alvarez, Donna Gray. Lisa suggested a blackstone grill raffle for Cowboy Christmas this year. Jack told us about a Jr Ambassador program presented at the January Winter State meeting. It is for youth members 17 and under and consists of logging activities and getting involved in their local chapter. There will be awards in each district and statewide. Kathy Brown has information which is also available on the state website. There will be a meeting of the NW district on Feb 22, 10 a.m. at The Juniper Brewing Co. in BG. This is a planning meeting for the Regional State Ride at Van Burn in September. 35 members and 1 guest attended at The Bunker Bar.
Volunteers are needed for party setup on Jan 4 at Otsego Park. Sandy would like rsvp's and what is being brought foodwise by email: [email protected]. Ham and pulled pork will be provided. Guests are welcome.
Volunteer hrs., trail miles, saddle hrs. need to be turned into Jo. We had 2 riders at the Soup-or -Ride on Fat Saturday, Nov. 29. Cowboy Christmas - we saw a profit of $335.80. Increased costs at The Show Arena, cost of insurance, fewer available spaces all contributed. Christmas boxes will be delivered to the park personnel Dec. 16 or 17. There will be no chapter meeting in January. Winter Blues Brunches are being planned for Feb. and maybe March by Tammy R. Calendar items approved: May - Kentucky Derby party June - Nat'l Tails Day event July - picnic Aug - chili cook off Sept - corn roast Oct - Oaktoberfest In Feb., there will be a fundraiser for Rodeo419 at Bunkers. Rodeo419 is Heather and Joe Johnson of The Show Arena. There will be a feed seminar by Tribute at Oak Openings Lodge Tuesday Jan 28, 6:30 pm. 29 members and guests attended at Bunkers Mary Alice Kuhn was interviewed on the Ohio Country tv show. A link to it was put on our FB group page.
National Trails Day: The weenie roast went well. At one point there were 40 people partaking. Art cooked the giant hotdogs and we had water, chips, and cookies donated by club members. We'll be camping at Farmlane June 21-23. LeRoy still had spots. Lora G. has v9olunteer opportunities to ride in the gator with her clearing trails: June 19 8-11, June 26 8-11, July 20 9-12, Sept 7 9-12, TBD 2 people to clean off bridges. NW Regional meeting: No one from HHYEC has followed up on the offer to fund a first-aid kit. The region made donations to an Auglaize Co. youth and Ottawa Co. Horsemen's Assoc. -Sandusky Co. Poker Run is June 9 at Whitestar; -Ride and Drive Aug. 3 at Whitestar; [cancelled by the park] -camping at Edison Woods Set 20-22, $5 pp, pn. Contact Al Sidell. We decided we do want to do the booze bucket raffle at CC and Lisa will coordinate that. Next meeting - picnic and pie (or other dessert) contest. Club will provide meat, club potluck. August meeting is chili cook 0ff and Cowboy Olympics, medals included. Meetings will remain on Tuesdays UFN. Jack thanks everyone for helping out. LeRoy said a prayer for Jack and Emily. Lisa recommended a food committee to organize the efforts at food functions. Everyone liked the idea, no one volunteered. [Polly and Tammy R. have volunteered since the meeting.] 24 members attended at RRR. Two state rides have been cancelled - Caesar Ford in June and Van Buren in September.
Lora G. is back to work at OO and will have volunteer opportunities. Jack negotiated the contract for Cowboy Christmas at WB/The Show Arena and paid the deposit. Jack walked the MSF proposed trail with DNR and Nancy Strayer VP of OHC. Nancy has worked for DNR and is familiar with their ways and means. Next meetings: June 4 pizza party, July 2 picnic/pie contest, Aug 10 chili cook off all at Reed Rd. We had volunteers respond to the HHYEC spring clean-up and the trail clean-up at MSF on April 9. Jack has been talking to someone from the Ohio Country tv show who wants to do a program on OHC. He put them in touch with Mary Alice Kuhn, OHC president. Polly has a friend who does hair clipping designs and wants to do one on a horse. 24 members and 3 guests attended at Reed Rd. Camping this coming weekend at RRR has been cancelled. The ride is still on altho the gathering place is being reconsidered. In addition to the condition of the gathering place, we need to consider the trails available from that location. At this point, the plan is to meet at RRR but that may change to the Rider Center or even HHYEC. [Changed to the Rider Center]
Trina offered to be the security lookout while others are riding. We need to be mindful of congestion that could happen at the RC even tho we have a permit to be there. The flower sale is on and forms are due to Connie by Monday May 6th and can be turned in at the May 3-5 camping weekend /Kentucky Derby party. The KDP potluck/meeting will be Saturday - happy hr 5 pm, dinner 6, meeting 7. Club will provide burgers/dogs. This Saturday, Apr 6, 9 am is the HHYEC clean-up. Help is needed. Our tentative clean-up at OO has been pushed back awaiting Lora G's return to work at the end of April so she can facilitate tool/gator distribution and anything else needed. Meanwhile, Jack has organized a clean-up at Maumee State Forest, April 9, 6 pm; meet at the mounting stand on 64. Speaking of MSF, I'd like to encourage you to keep your trail miles separated out from OO when you ride MSF. I've heard it said that everyone rides OO, no one rides MSF and we know that is not true. Let's prove it and give MSF credit for being a good partner. National Trails Day is on June 1. We will have our weenie roast at the Rider Center. Our meetings will be held at RRR starting in May, going to October: June - pizza night July - picnic with pie contest Aug - chili cook off We were told that our arrangement with WB for our Cowboy Christmas tack swap would be honored by the new management but we may need to sign a contract and provide insurance. We got the contract and several things have changed. 1. A nonrefundable deposit of $500 is due by April 27. 2. Rental cost is half the booth rental fees or $1000 whichever is greater. 3. We have to provide insurance including The Show Arena as additional insured ($75 + $40) 4. Rental period is 7am to 7pm the day of the event - no setup allowance. 5. Alcohol is forbidden - does that include our booze raffle? We paid $815 in booth rentals last year and WB covered the insurance. So at face value, there is at least a ~$300 increase in cost. We'd need to sell 15 more spots this year to hit $2000 (then half would be $1000) and there is probably room for that but who knows if they'll be sold? Jack is going to negotiate with Joe and see if we can get a more comfortable potential profit margin as we do not want to lose money. A motion was made and seconded to move forward with this for this year. All voted in favor. And Jack included a new item on the agenda - Show and Tell. Our first presentation was by Rod and Michell "Mitch" Miller who presented their civil war era garb and equipment which they use in civil war re-enactments. Michelle showed us her handmade silk ball gown which she made and wears to the balls - it is amazing! Rod wore the cavalry uniform that he and "Mitch" wear in the cavalry events including weapons. It was fascinating. They will be participating in events in Michigan and Indiana this year and several people expressed interest in going to watch. The new park permit fee was explained. See for details. Permits are required if we meet in the park or off site and end up in the park (10 or more people, organized). We will have to be careful about advertising events with these things in mind and you may have to search a little to get info. The fall state meeting will be in Delaware and NW Region is hosting. We will need desserts, we will sell 50/50 tickets and there will be a silent auction - items needed. 32 members attended at Bunkers Our after the holidays party will be Saturday Jan. 4, 2025 at Otsego Park.; Sandy B. has agreed to stay on as chairperson.
Our Cowboy Christmas Tack Swap will be at WB now known as The Show Arena. We have the same arrangement - half the booth rentals go to TSA. We may need to buy insurance. WB covered that before. We had ~34 people at the Winter Blues Breakfast and most also toured the Richard Alan Studios. Another breakfast/brunch was planned for March, potentially the 23rd at one of the Charlie's restaurants. Volunteers are needed to man the OHC booth at Equine Affaire. The April meeting will be at Bunkers; May-Oct. at RRR; back to Bunkers in November. A volunteer activity to pick up trash in the park was discussed and 9 people signed up. April 9, the day after the eclipse, was suggested. [This activity will be pushed back to May due to park liaison absence until then.] NWOHC is donating $250 toward the first aid kits desired by HHYEC. Trail maps were discussed. We will tweak the yellow ones that we made a couple of years ago and get some made. In state trail miles, Hocking Hills was #1 and Oak Openings was #2. The flower sale will be held during April, organized by Connie. [The form may be downloaded from the home page here.] Pop tabs collected were given to Deb V. for Ronald MacDonald House and 6 Tribute emblems to HHYEC. 37 members attended at Bunkers. Jack has confirmed that our Cowboy Christmas tack swap will be at WB Ranch, now known as The Show Arena. It will be Sunday Dec. 1.
The After Christmas/It’s a New Year party was discussed and we’d like to have it at the same place/same time next time (Jan 4). Sandy B. will check on the date. The New Years Souper Ride went well with a dozen riders and a few more soupers. The Mid-Winter OHC meeting was held in January at Newark. Jack went in spite of the awful weather and driving conditions. Jack continues to work on the proposed connector trail in the MSF. State personnel are coming back in April and one has expressed concern about a road crossing in the plans. It was reported that any volunteer groups attempting to do anything in the park must have a park employee with them. We will have a Winter Blues Brunch on Feb. 24 at Delta 109 Tavern, 8:30 a.m. followed by a tour of Richard Alan Studios ,12207 Co. Rd C, Wauseon at 10:30 am There will be a NW Regional OHC meeting Feb 22 at BWW in BG, 6:30 p.m. The OHC General Membership meeting will be March 9 in Newark. Some members are planning on attending. Our flower/plant sale will be in April, organized by Connie. We will have an Eclipse Souper Ride Monday, April 8 at RRR. Ride out at 2 p.m. Volunteers are needed to work the OHC booth (#800) at Equine Affaire. A need for trail maps for Oak Openings was brought up again. The FCOHC apparel store on Three Cord was discussed. There is a hang up with the graphics as we cannot adulterate the OHC emblem. A drawing was held from all members who turned in trail miles and volunteer hours. Winners of an FCOHC coffee cup or thermal tumbler were: Rod Miller, Dalton Collins, Becca Smith, Jack Collins, Ron Cowell, Tammy Royer, Roy Alvarez, Linda Imber, Kathy Brown, Jerry Gentry, Michelle Miller, Barb Shute, Ann Sweeney, Beth Arnold, Christine Vance, Trina Houser, Tami Rockwell. Our next meeting will be Tuesday March 5 at Bunkers, 7 p.m. Buffet at 6:30, $12 per person. 17 Tribute POP's were donated to HHYEC. 42 members and guests attended at Bunkers. Our chapter donated proceeds from our dessert auction to the Cherry St Mission, Otsego Food Pantry, Anthony Wayne Food Pantry, Open Door Delta and the NW Ohio Food Bank.
Sunshine committee sent cards to Kenny, Al, John and Becky, Rick H. and Sandy B. Our party will be Jan. 6, Otsego Park; 4:30 HH BYOB, 5:30 potluck dinner, 6:30ish fun and games. There will be a slide show for a trip down memory Lane. Trail miles, saddle hours need to be turned in to Jo as well as volunteer hours to Lisa L. Cowboy Christmas went well. The booze bucket was won by our own Kim S. We had ~10 riders and 5 visitors at our Fat Saturday Souper ride. The food was fantastic! The New Years Ride will be at noon, Reed Rd. Bring soup or snacks to share. Guests welcome. Jack will be going to Columbus to meet with ODNR about the MSF trail we'd like to enhance. There is a new manager at Oak Openings - Kevin Collins. Jack hopes to meet with him to introduce himself. 2024 planning - the customary events were listed and approved: Winter Blues Brunch, flower sale, Kentucky Derby party, National Trails Day event, chili cook off, Oaktoberfest, souper rides. We should also get Mohican this year. Jack asked if we'd like speakers at some meetings. It hasn't worked out well this year. A Winter Blues Brunch in February at Pettisville is tentative followed by a tour of Richard Alan Studio. Christmas baskets will be delivered the week of the 18th. Jack provided Buster's address for cards. Next meeting will be in February. 33 members and guests attended at Bunkers. The FCOHC page on the state website has been updated and will be updated monthly. Proceeds ($500) from the dessert auction are going to be donated to community charities. Checks will go out within the next couple of days. The holiday party has been rebranded. It's a hoedown. It will be Jan 6, Otsego Park, 5 pm to ? [Subject to change.] Pictures are needed for a slideshow at the party. Send to [email protected]. Need not be from this year. The booze bucket (fund raiser) is full and overflowing. A second and maybe 3rd place smaller collection may be added to the raffle. Lisa Line has tickets to sell. Drawing will be at noon at Cowboy Christmas tack swap. FCOHC was recognized as a major supporter of HHYEC at the presentation at the ride a thon. Trail miles and saddle hours will need to be turned in to Jo by Jan 15. THERE WILL BE NO JANUARY MEETING. There are no paper maps for the horse trails and it was suggested that we generate some and distribute them. Riders have encountered hunters on the horse trails and were told by a park employee that this is happening in the park. [There is bow hunting in OO until Feb 4]. We will be donating our traditional Christmas boxes to the park rangers and maintenance personnel. Donations of non perishable snacks will be collected at Cowboy Christmas and the Dec. 7 meeting. Winter Blues brunches were discussed and one in February at Das Essen Haus was suggested. Fat Saturday Ride has been rebranded - Souper Ride. Ride from the Rider Center at noon. Bring soup or snacks to enjoy before or after the ride. Call Jack with questions. There will also be a Souper Ride Jan. 1. 33 members and guests attended at Bunkers. FYI - The most recent horse trail map and the deer hunt map are on the website and will be sent to members by email. The October meeting was held September 30 at RRR during Oaktoberfest.
Information and photos are needed and appreciated for the Corral article. Send to Kathy Brown. Lisa Line will fill in for Debbie Vaughan as photographer while Debbie recovers from surgery. The rebranded holiday party will be Saturday Jan. 6 at Otsego Park starting at 5 p.m.Sandy Bernthisel needs help. It will be a potluck with the chapter providing the meats. Volunteer hours should be reported to Lisa Line. Volunteer hours include time loading tools/equipment until putting them away. The HHYEC primitive restrooms were painted and new signs installed by Barb Shute, Jack Collins, Polly Alvarez, Kate Roth, Ron Cowell and Ernie Brown. The Maumee State Forest connector trail won't get done this year, maybe next year. The booze bucket fund raiser tickets are available. See Jack for tickets. See Jack or Lisa to donate. Club members attended the state rides at Mohican and Van Buren. There were 25 FCOHC members at Van Buren. Both events were reported as good. The HHYEC ride a thon will be Sunday Oct. 1. Registration starts at 9, food around noon, presentation at 1:30. Current officers were retained for 2024.: president Jack Collins, vp Kathy Brown., secretary Tammy Royer, Treasurer Jo Neeley. 60 members and guests attended at RRR. |
December 2024
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