The cattle are in OO, part of a land management research project.
Trina told us about the possibilities for our Christmas party at Sauder's Village. Sandy distibuted a survey and collected and tallied the results. Ist choice is Otsego Park in December, 2nd is Sauder's in January. There were 50-60 riders and lunchers at the showcase rider at OO. Art S. and Jack served up lunch. Sandusky Co. is having a showcase ride June 25-26 at Whitestar/Garlo Metro Preserve. Leroy is hosting camping at RRR July 1-4. A link to the state trail miles/saddle hours reports has been posted on the website. They are also available on the state website or from Jack. The trail out of HHYEC is open. Prizes were awarded for our 50th celebration and we had cake! 27 members attended at Bunkers
Jack is looking for a Christmas committee to plan our party. Sandy Bernthisel and Trina Hauser will work on ideas.
OHC has completed the change to 501c3. Donations are now tax deductable. The new Oak Openings manager is Mackenzie Huber. The 5 mounting stands need work. New signage is coming in OO. HHYEC is getting a new sign ~$1600. They got an $800 donation from NWOHC. We will pay the balance. Trail out of HHYEC is still closed. Our showcase ride will be June 4, National Trails day. Lunch will be 11-1 at the rider center. There will be a feed/nutrition seminar at J&B on April 6 at 5:30. 33 members and guests attended at Bunkers. |
December 2024
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