Jack has confirmed that our Cowboy Christmas tack swap will be at WB Ranch, now known as The Show Arena. It will be Sunday Dec. 1.
The After Christmas/It’s a New Year party was discussed and we’d like to have it at the same place/same time next time (Jan 4). Sandy B. will check on the date. The New Years Souper Ride went well with a dozen riders and a few more soupers. The Mid-Winter OHC meeting was held in January at Newark. Jack went in spite of the awful weather and driving conditions. Jack continues to work on the proposed connector trail in the MSF. State personnel are coming back in April and one has expressed concern about a road crossing in the plans. It was reported that any volunteer groups attempting to do anything in the park must have a park employee with them. We will have a Winter Blues Brunch on Feb. 24 at Delta 109 Tavern, 8:30 a.m. followed by a tour of Richard Alan Studios ,12207 Co. Rd C, Wauseon at 10:30 am https://richardalanstudios.com/ There will be a NW Regional OHC meeting Feb 22 at BWW in BG, 6:30 p.m. The OHC General Membership meeting will be March 9 in Newark. Some members are planning on attending. Our flower/plant sale will be in April, organized by Connie. We will have an Eclipse Souper Ride Monday, April 8 at RRR. Ride out at 2 p.m. Volunteers are needed to work the OHC booth (#800) at Equine Affaire. A need for trail maps for Oak Openings was brought up again. The FCOHC apparel store on Three Cord was discussed. There is a hang up with the graphics as we cannot adulterate the OHC emblem. A drawing was held from all members who turned in trail miles and volunteer hours. Winners of an FCOHC coffee cup or thermal tumbler were: Rod Miller, Dalton Collins, Becca Smith, Jack Collins, Ron Cowell, Tammy Royer, Roy Alvarez, Linda Imber, Kathy Brown, Jerry Gentry, Michelle Miller, Barb Shute, Ann Sweeney, Beth Arnold, Christine Vance, Trina Houser, Tami Rockwell. Our next meeting will be Tuesday March 5 at Bunkers, 7 p.m. Buffet at 6:30, $12 per person. 17 Tribute POP's were donated to HHYEC. 42 members and guests attended at Bunkers.
December 2024
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